Police raid on 'Pride' movie: Multiple detentions 2023-06-08 10:27:48 ISTANBUL- Many people, including BEKSAV executives, who came together for the movie "Pride" in Kadıköy, were detained by the police.   Citizens gathered at the foundation building in Kadıköy upon the call of the Science Aesthetics Culture and Art Research Foundation (BEKSAV) Cinema Collective, wanted to watch the movie "Pride" as part of the "Month of Honor '' events. As the movie time approached, the police blockaded the foundation building. The police detained BEKSAV executives and many people who came to watch the movie, claiming that the event was banned by the Kadıköy District Governor's Office.   Condemning the detentions, BEKSAV said in a written statement on their Twitter: “Today, before the screening of the BEKSAV Cinema Collective's 'Pride' movie, the foundation building was besieged by the police. BEKSAV and Cinema Collective members and many of our friends who came for the screening were detained. We defend the colors of the rainbow against the LGBTI+ hostility of the government.”