Bana been under military blockade for 2 months 2023-09-24 13:13:41   ŞIRNEX - In Bana village, which is under military blockade, citizens have been prevented from going to their vineyards and gardens for 11 days.   Bana (Ormaniçi) village in Şirnex's Basa (Güçlükonak) district has been under military blockade for more than 2 months. In the village, where entry and exit is prohibited, citizens who earn their living from animal husbandry and rice fields are victimized. Citizens have not been able to go to their gardens for 12 days.   BACKGROUND    Şırnak Governorship banned entry and exit to 5 regions in Basa (Güçlükonak) district for 15 days on September 14. The surroundings of Bana (Ormaniçi) village, which is in the Basa district and is under military blockade, was also included in the prohibited area in question. After the ban was announced, villagers had to take their animals to other villages. Since the said date, citizens have been prevented from going to their vineyards and gardens.