22 people detained in Bedlis 2023-12-01 15:32:22   BEDLÎS - Among those detained in the house raids carried out in Xîzan, Tetwan and Wan of Bedlîs, 22 people who were referred to the courthouse were arrested, and 12 people were released.   Of the more than 43 people who were detained on the allegations of "being a member of the terrorist organization" and "aiding the terrorist organization" in the house raids carried out in Bedlîs' Xîzan (Hizan) and Tetwan (Tatvan) districts and Wan(Van), 22 people who were referred to the court were arrested, while 12 people were released.   While 7 people were released on the first day, 27 people whose statements were completed at the police and gendarmerie yesterday were brought to Bitlis Courthouse at night. Those whose statements to the prosecutor's office were completed were referred to the Criminal Judgeship of Peace with a request for arrest. After taking the statements, Emin Gezici, Bedrettin Gezici, İsa Gezici, Mahsun Gezici, Hacı Gezici, Fırat Gezici, Serkan Gezici, Mustafa Gezici, Halim Gezici, Sedat Gezici, Süleyman Korkmaz, İhsan Korkmaz, Erdal İnan, Cemal İnan, Beşir Çetin, Kerem Çetin, Emrah Aydın, Turan Çetin, Sinan Aydın, Metin Çetin, Mekin Çetin and Mahir Hergül were arrested, while 5 people were released.   It was stated that the deposition proceedings of at least 16 people who were referred to the courthouse are continuing.