Elçiçek's remains delivered to her family in a cardboard box 2023-12-01 16:04:56 ŞIRNEX - The remains of YJA-STAR member Menfiyat Elçiçek, who lost her life in the conflict that broke out in the Kato Marînos region in 2018, was delivered to her family in a cardboard box. YJA-STAR member Menfiyat Elçiçek (Axin Seydo) lost her life in the conflict that broke out in the Kato Marînos region of Colemêrg on September 14, 2018. After the Hakkari Police Department called the family, the family went to Colemêrg in 2018 and gave a DNA sample; however, despite the DNA test given, Elçiçek's remains was buried in Colemêrg without informing his family.   THE REMAINS OF ELÇİÇEK WAS DELIVERED IN A CARDBOARD BOX   Hakkari Police Department called the family again on November 29 and shared the information that Elçiçek's remains was in the Istanbul Forensic Medicine Institute (ATK); thereupon, the remains was delivered to Elçiçek's family, who went to ATK, in a white cardboard box.   The family took the body in a cardboard box and brought it to the Hezex district of Şirnex(Şırnak). His remains was buried today in the Şêx Hesen Cemetery of Hezex, under police blockade, with the participation of family members.