Gezi Protests its 11th year: We are proud 2024-05-27 15:00:42   ISTANBUL - In the statement made on the 11th anniversary of the Gezi Protests, those who lost their lives were commemorated and it was emphasized that, "We are proud of the Gezi Protests."    Taksim Solidarity made a statement at the Union of Chambers of Turkish Engineers and Architects (TMMOB) building in Karaköy on the occasion of the 11th anniversary of the Gezi Protests. Many political party and union representatives attended the statement.    'WE ARE HONORED'   Revolutionary Trade Union Confederation (DİSK) Istanbul Regional Representative Asalettin Aslanoğlu commemorated those who lost their lives during the period. Aslanoğlu said: "Another meaning and importance of the Gezi Protests is that the people did not want this government anymore and still do not want it. We would like to reiterate from here that the resisting people always have the last word."   Ensari Korkmaz, President of Tüm Bel-Sen Branch No. 5, said: "We are proud to be a part of these processes. Gezi Protests is a legacy we will leave to our children. In this context, we demand the immediate release of Gezi prisoners who were tried and punished unlawfully."    Seyfettin Avcı from Union of Chambers of Turkish Engineers and Architects (TMMOB) underlined that the Gezi Protests was a people's movement and said: "We are proud of the Gezi Protests, which is the largest public movement in our country. The Gezi Protests is our honor and we are extremely proud to claim this honor."   Osman Küçükosman, President of the Istanbul Medical Chamber, called: "We all know that the Gezi Protests, in which all peoples fought together, was a self-defense. I once again respectfully commemorate those who resisted and were martyred during those periods. We demand the immediate release of our friends who are on trial."   'GIVE VOICE TO ILLEGAL TRIALS   Mücella Yapıcı, who was imprisoned for a while due to the Gezi Protests, underlined that the society was intended to be intimidated by the sentences given in political cases. Yapıcı said: "Those who judge the Kobanê and Gezi Protests are the ones who dealt the biggest blow to the country's democracy. Those who tried to suppress the social reflex in Gezi were once again mistaken. In the Gezi case, the aim was to intimidate the prisoners, who had no evidence of a crime against them, with this vindictive law and irrational practices. All of this is a legal conspiracy. Give voice to the unlawful trials in the Gezi case. Do not be a party to this injustice and injustice."