Letter from prisoner in action: If our voice spreads, we will get results 2024-05-28 11:14:21 ANKARA - Mukaddes Kabak, one of the prisoners who did not appear in court and boycotted phone calls and family meetings, said: "The more this voice spreads outside, the closer we get to the result and the stronger we get."   The prisoners, who started a hunger strike on November 27 to participate in the "Freedom for Abdullah Öcalan, democratic solution to the Kurdish issue" campaign, took their actions to a new stage as of April 4. Prisoners do not appear in court and do not make phone calls to their families. Mukaddes Kabak, one of the prisoners in Sincan Women's Prison, sent a letter to our agency regarding her ongoing actions.    Reminding that PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan has not been allowed to meet with his lawyers since 2019 and no news has been received from him for 39 months, Kabak said: “Of course, there is a heavy isolation at first, and this isolation started to get worse. They want to cut off Leader Apo (Abddullah Öcalan) from the whole world. Letters are not given, the rights to phone calls, family lawyers meetings have been abolished. Our aim is to break the isolation and show that the isolation imposed on Leader Apo affects all political prisoners and the Kurds."   'WE DO NOT ACCEPT ISOLATION'   Pointing out that the main reason for the isolation is that Öcalan's ideas are shared by all oppressed peoples, Kabak said: “It is unacceptable for a leader accepted by the whole world to be left under these conditions. Today, we understand our Leader more and we understand better the conditions and situation in which Leader Apo has been living for years. We cannot see ourselves apart from this situation. Because Leader Apo is our pioneer. We cannot accept such an approach (isolation conditions) to our Leader. Therefore, as a new step, we joined the action in the new process. We turned living in Leader Apo's conditions and situation into action. We do not go out for family and phone calls. Of course, it will be difficult, but it should be known that Leader Apo has been left in these conditions for years. With this action, we want to show once again that we stand by our leadership and that we never accept isolation.  We want all of Leader Apo's rights to be recognized."   'OUR LEADER IS OUR WILL'   Stating that genocide policies were being carried out against the Kurds and that the people stood up together with Abdullah Öcalan against these policies, Kabak stated that this stand-up was not accepted by the states and said: "They arrested Mr. Öcalan, the Leader of the Kurds, with an international conspiracy. They filled the prisons with Kurds. While on the one hand they say they have solved the Kurdish issue, on the other hand they are attacking with their tanks, artillery, chemical weapons and continuing their assimilation policies. However, Leader Apo still does not give up his struggle. They want to leave the Kurds without their will, but the Kurds stand by their will and Leader. Our will is our Leader."    Expressing that he found a solution not only to the Kurdish issue but also to the crises in the world with the paradigm put forward by Abdullah Öcalan, Kabak said: “When we look at it, Leader Apo developed the solution to the wars between countries or the wars that broke out and continue in the Middle East and expressed it many times. Leader Apo's paradigm is not only for the Kurds but for the whole world. If we defend peace and revolution, then we need to turn our ears to Leader Apo so that the ongoing wars can stop."   'TOGETHER WE WILL REACH THE SOLUTION'   Kabak said: “Let our people and families unite and express our demands and wishes abroad. Let our families and people lead this process together. The more this voice is made and spread outside, the closer we get to the result and the more power we get. It is the time of the Kurds. I salute all peoples and their resistance from here. We will reach results and solutions together."