Kurdish written as 'X' in the minutes because of personal opinion. 2024-05-30 14:33:57 ANKARA - Parliament Speaker Numan Kurtulmuş interpreted the phrase "Kurdish is reflected in the minutes as X language" in the proposal regarding the bans on Kurdish as a "personal opinion". People's Equality and Democracy Party (DEM Party) Wan deputy Gülderen Varlı submitted a parliamentary question to the Parliament on May 14, requesting an answer from the Minister of Education Yusuf Tekin regarding the Kurdish language bans. In the proposal, it was emphasized that monist policies against the Kurdish language continued in the field of education. The motion also noted that the microphones of deputies speaking Kurdish in the Parliament were turned off and that Kurdish was included in the minutes as an "X language".   'PERSONAL OPINION' CLAIM   The motion was returned. In the response signed by Parliament Speaker Numan Kurtulmuş on May 28, it was claimed that the motion containing "bans against the Kurdish language" was "contrary to the internal regulations of the parliament".   It was stated that the section in the proposal, "In addition, the microphones of the deputies in the Turkish Grand National Assembly are turned off and every word spoken in Kurdish in the Parliament is recorded in the minutes as 'X' language" was expressed as a "personal opinion". It was noteworthy that in the justification given in the answer, the full sentence was not given and it was stated as "the fourth sentence of the first paragraph of the introduction".