UNICEF stops water distribution to camps in Shahba 2024-07-11 12:57:33 NEWS CENTER - UNICEF cut off water distribution to the camps in Shahba Region. Co-Chair of Efrin-Shahba Canton Council Jamal Rashid said: "It is a crime for UNICEF to cut off the water in the camps."    The United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) has stopped distributing water to the people migrating from Efrin in Northern and Eastern Syria to the Shahba region, where Turkey and its paramilitary groups have established control after the attacks. Starting in 2020, water distribution in villages was drastically reduced, and in 2021 it was cut throughout the region. Since February 15, 2024, UNICEF has completely cut off water in the camps.   'CUTTING WATER IS A CRIME'   Speaking to ANHA about the incidents, Cemal Raşîd, Co-Chair of the Efrin-Shahba Canton Council, stated that UNICEF committed a crime by cutting off the water in the camps. Raşîd said: "Eating and drinking are basic needs. The most vital need is water. Since the infrastructure was destroyed in most of the region during the war, there is no water network here. Therefore, we get water from wells. Water shortage is experienced not only in the camps but also in the whole of Shahba. We support the people as much as we can, but our resources in the region are very low. We have five camps. When UNICEF distributed water to the camps, we were able to solve the problems of the people more easily, but when the water was cut off, the Autonomous Administration and the municipality started to experience great difficulties."    Stating that the people and the administration complement each other, Raşîd said: "We promise to support our people as long as we have the means. We will overcome these difficulties together."