Peace Mothers to KDP: Stop betrayal 2024-07-12 12:19:28   SIRNEX - Reacting to the KDP's support for the Turkish attacks, the Peace Mothers said: "It is surrendering its land. Give up this betrayal as soon as possible."    Turkey has increased its military mobilization in the Federated Kurdistan Region where it continues its attacks. Since April 17, 2022, as part of the ongoing attacks, an intensive military deployment has been launched especially to the Amêdiyê countryside. KDP is also supporting Turkey in the attacks. Members of the Peace Mothers' Assembly reacted against the attacks and the attitude of the KDP.    'WE CONDEMN THE BETRAYAL'   Taybet Tatli from the Silopiya (Silopi) Peace Mothers' Assembly called on the Barzani family in the KDP administration to "stop this betrayal". Tatli said: “They say 'I am Kurdish', they speak Kurdish, but they are hostile to Kurds. They must stop being hostile to their people. When the Barzani family came here, the Kurds took care of them. When ISIS attacked Bashûr, Kurds embraced them again. Turkey is killing our children with chemical weapons. The Barzani family is also cooperating. We condemn this cooperation. They are handing over their own land to Turkey. Now the knife is past the bone. They must give up this betrayal as soon as possible. Those who cooperate, those who surrender their own land must not say 'I am Kurdish'. We want peace and an end to these deaths."    'WE ARE AGAINST WAR'   Peace Mother Değile Atmış said: "We do not accept this betrayal. Why are they cooperating and betraying? Every day they sell the land of Kurdistan to Turkey. Our call to the Kurdish people; let's be one. Let's join hands and win together."    Peace Mother Tole Deger, who wants Turkey to end the attack, said: "Enough is enough, let this persecution end. Our children are subjected to all kinds of pressure and persecution in prison. We defend our language and identity. We are against war. We want peace."    CALL FOR 'UNITY'   Peace Mother Sabriye Değer said: "The Barzani family has nothing to do with Kurdishness. We are not brothers. These attacks must end. Let them release our leader (Abdullah Öcalan). Let there be peace. Let this war come to an end."   Ayşe Sanır stated that the KDP is "the biggest obstacle" in front of Kurdish gains and said: "Let this blood end now. We want this war to end. If the Barzani family had not let the Turkish state in there, these attacks would not have happened. Let the Kurdish people be united against these attacks and betrayal."