Citizens reacts Turkish attacks and KDP cooperation 2024-07-22 12:35:15   AMED - Citizens reacted against Turkey's attacks on the Federated Kurdistan Region and KDP's cooperation in the attacks, emphasizing that Kurdish gains can be protected with unity.    Turkey's attacks on areas in the Federated Kurdistan Region continue with the cooperation of KDP. Citizens attending the congress of the Amed (Diyarbakır-Kurdistan) Provincial Organization of the Peoples' Equality and Democracy Party (DEM Party) reacted against the attacks and KDP cooperation.   'GAINS UNDER THREAT'   Cemal Kaya said that the attitude of the Barzani family in the KDP administration “has nothing to do with being Kurd”. Kaya said: “How long will this persecution continue? All people need to unite against the attacks. National unity must be achieved as soon as possible.”   Tahir Baran stated that all the gains of the Kurds are under attack and threat and said: “Every Kurd who sees Turkey's attacks can see the betrayal that the KDP is in today. The KDP is selling Kurds for their own interests and benefits. We must organize against these attacks. Turkey occupies wherever it goes. I wonder what Barzani will get from this? But in the end he will be deceived and regret it.”    'BARZANI FAMILY IS ON THE LINE OF BETRAYAL'   Nejat Yılmaz described the KDP's cooperation as “betrayal” and said that the attacks in the region could never have developed without the knowledge of the KDP. Yılmaz reacted against Turkey's invasion of Kurdish regions and said: “Barzani has already surrendered to these games. Those who stand by Barzani today are the ones who pursue the project of Kurds becoming enemies of each other. Once again, my call to Masoud Barzani; he should step back from this as soon as possible. As soon as possible, our party (DEM Party) deputies and executives should meet with Barzani and turn him away from this mistake.”    Orhan Taş said that Turkey's attacks can only be prevented with national unity and added: “If we do not struggle and oppose this, they will do the same things everywhere. We must raise the struggle against the attacks.”