Message from Abdullah Öcalan to women 2025-03-04 14:48:29   ANKARA - Sharing Kurdish People's Leader Abdullah Öcalan's message to women, Tulay Hatimogullari said, "Mr Öcalan made it clear that the basic code of the new era is the struggle for democratisation. The revolutionary subject of the struggle for democratisation is women."   Speaking at the women's group meeting of the Peoples' Equality and Democracy (DEM) Party today, Tülay Hatimogullari shared Kurdish People's Leader Abdullah Öcalan's message to women. Tülay Hatimogullari said:   "Yes, dear people of Turkey and dear women. On 27 February, we had a very meaningful, historical and profound meeting with Mr Abdullah Öcalan. In this meeting, Mr Öcalan once again expressed his strong belief in the freedom struggle of the peoples and especially in the honourable resistance of women. Mr Öcalan made it clear that the basic code of the new era is the struggle for democratisation. The revolutionary subject of the struggle for democratisation is women. The first condition of being a democratising revolutionary and socialist is to have a libertarian approach to the women's issue. We will crown our struggle for equality, freedom and democracy with women, who have been subjected to the deepest exploitation in history.   Underlining the great hope and determination created by the women's struggle for freedom, Mr Abdullah Öcalan sent his sincerest greetings and respect to all women. On 27 February 2025, the whole world witnessed a historic moment. With his call for peace and democracy, Mr Abdullah Öcalan opened the doors of peace and democracy in Turkey and the Middle East. This call has provided the strongest ground for the peace and solution of the century. We are close to entering a period in which demands for democracy, equality, justice and freedom will determine our lives, not fears, anxieties and syndromes. This is not a period in which no one will have superiority over the other. It is a democratic time when everyone will share an equal and fair life."