‘First Book Festival’ in Mêrdîn 2024-05-14 14:06:27   MÊRDÎN - The ‘1st Book Festival’ will be held in Mêrdîn, with the participation of 20 Kurdish publishing houses.   The 1st Book Festival will be held in Mêrdîn between 17-19 May. 20 Kurdish publishing houses will participate in the festival, which will be led by the Mêrdîn Labor and Democracy Platform. Additionally, 62 writers will participate. The fair will be held at Mêrdîn Bar Association.   The publishing houses that will participate in the festival are as follows: Aram, Aryen, Avesta, Azan, Belkis, Dara, Doz, İsmail Beşikçi Vakfı, MA Music, Morî, Nûbihar, Nûhev, Pall, Peywend, Roşna, Weşanen Sîdar, Sîtav, Vate, Zîz ve Belkî.    The authors who will participate in the fair are as follows: Ahmet Çelik, Dr. Ahmet Kırkan, Ali Yiğit, Abdurrahim Kılıç, Aydın Alp, Azad Zal, Burhan Tek, Cafer Açar, Ciwan Serhedyan, Çetoyê Zêdo, Deniz Gündüz, Dicle Anter, Evdal Baqî, Fahriye Adsay, Fatêxan Taşlı Tunç, Feratê Dengizî, Fırat Can, Hayrullah Acar, İbrahim Bingöl, İbrahim Tarduş, Kenanê Nado, Leyla Alucî, Leylana Sidîq, Mahmut Barık, Malmisanij, Maziçîne, Maral Xezal, Mehmet Dîcle, Mem Bawer, Mele Mihimed, Şirin Gonç, Mervan Serhildan, Mustafa Özer, Nazım Kök, Necat Keskin, Nezirê Cibo, Nezir Öcek, Perwîz Cîhanî, Pınar Yıldız, Raif Yaman, Recep Dildar, Rıdwan Polat, Roj Agır, Ronî War, Roza Metîna, Ruken Çalıştıran, Saîd Veroj, Serdar Kömürcü, Serkeft Botan, Servet Özkan, Sultan Yaray, Shahab Vali, Şükran Çaçan, Semire Demirel Kut, Sîdar Jîr, Tekin Çiftçi, Veysel Başçı, Veysi Ülgen, Zinarê Xamo, Zülküf Ergün.