756 lawyers from Middle East applied to visit Abdullah Öcalan 2022-09-19 16:22:32   NEWS CENTER - 756 lawyers from the Middle Eastern countries applied to the Ministry of Justice, requesting a meeting with PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan.   756 lawyers from Morocco, Palestine, the Federated Kurdistan Region, Northern and Eastern Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, Egypt, Syria and Jordan applied to the Ministry of Justice to visit PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan and other prisoners Hamili Yıldırım, Veysi Aktaş under heavy isolation in İmralı Type F Prison.    STATEMENT FROM ASRIN LAW OFFICE    Asrın Law Office advocating for Abdullah Öcalan, announced the application on Twitter. It was stated that the lawyers wanted to make a statement in the city of Sulaymaniyah in the Federated Kurdistan Region about their application, but they were blocked by the security forces. Asrın Law Office emphasized that the prevention of lawyers visit is an example that demonstrates the international dimension of the isolation and why it is necessary to fight against it.   The statement continued as follows: "We would like to thank all of our colleagues who showed solidarity with us, stating that Mr. Öcalan's views and philosophy exceeded the borders of Kurdistan, that he is the most reliable solution force in the crisis the Middle East and that isolation should be lifted and his freedom should be ensured."    385 LAWYERS APPLIED BEFORE    385 lawyers from 22 countries around the world applied to the Ministry of Justice on September 14, requesting a meeting with Abdullah Öcalan and other prisoners in İmralı.