Resistance all streets in Wan 2024-04-02 16:01:04 WAN - Protests started all over the city after Abdullah Zeydan, who won the co-mayor of Wan Metropolitan Municipality, was not given the mandate. Fires were lit in all streets and avenues, and roads were closed to traffic. People in Wan are protesting the reinstatement of the rights of Abdullah Zeydan, who was elected as the co-mayor of the Metropolitan Municipality from the People's Equality and Democracy Party (DEM Party), upon the "instruction" of the AKP. The center of the protests in the city is Cumhuriyet and Maraş streets. Thousands of people set up barricades with garbage cans and poles in the side streets. Fires were lit at some points. All the shopkeepers closed their shutters.   The police attacked the citizens protesting with gas bombs and pressurized water. Many people were injured due to the attacks.   It was stated that the police entered the DEM Party Wan Provincial Organization building and threw tear gas bombs.   Protests spread across the city. Young people respond to the police attack with stones.