DEM Party makes an objection YSK against the coup 2024-04-02 16:20:27   NEWS CENTER - DEM Party announced that it will appeal to the YSK about the coup against the will of the voters in Wan.   People's Equality and Democracy Party (DEM Party) made a statement about the Wan Provincial Election Board not giving the certificate of election to Abdullah Zeydan, who won the co-mayorship of the metropolitan municipality. The statement said: "Van Provincial Election Board, upon the instructions of the government, made a coup against the will of the people and decided to give the certificate of election to AKP's Abdulahat Arvas in an illegitimate manner. However, the process is not over. Against this coup against the will of the people, our lawyers will present the necessary documents to the Supreme Election Board tomorrow. We will make objections. Our co-chairs Tülay Hatimoğulları and Tuncer Bakırhan will soon make a statement in front of the YSK. We will continue our struggle until we thwart this coup and take back what is ours together with our people."