Dem Party Youth Assembly campaign: '1000 Letters to İmralı' 2024-02-02 22:23:40   NEWS CENTER – Dem Party Youth Assembly launched the "1000 Letters to Imralı" campaign to be sent to PKK Leader Abdullah Ocalan and called for participation.   People's Equality and Democracy Party (DEM Party) Youth Assembly launched the "1000 Letters to Imralı" campaign to be sent to PKK Leader Abdullah Ocalan.   Announcing the campaign on its virtual media account, the Youth Council shared a form for those who wanted to send letters. The Youth Assembly made the announcement with the following words: “We are starting a letter sending campaign to Mr. Abdullah Ocalan. You can write your letters to Imralı on the form dated February 16 and send them to us. We invite all young people to participate in the campaign. #1000LetterstoImralı.”