Sit in at Sêmalka on its 57th day 2021-11-30 16:41:29 NEWS CENTER - Families, who have been staging a sit in for 44 days to recieve the bodies of 5 HPG members killed by the KDP, stated that they sent a letter to the relevant authorities and said, "KDP is not releasing the bodies to their families because it is afraid."   In the Xelîfan district of ​​the Federal Kurdistan Region, on August 29, 5 HPG members were ambushed by the special forces affiliated with the KDP, lost their lives. Although 80 days have passed since the attack, the bodies held by the KDP are not released to their families. The sit in launched at the Semalka Border Gate by the Cizre Martyrs' Families Council to recieve the bodies of Nesrin Temir from YJA STAR and Yusif İbrahim from HPG, is on its 57th day. The families of Temir and İbrahim are protesting the fact that the bodies are still held by the KDP and demanded to recieve the bodies of their children.     SUPPORT VISITS   All day long, support visits are made to the sit in started at the Semalka Border Gate, mass marches are organized towards the border gate. In Northern and Eastern Syria, many institutions, non-governmental organizations, political parties visit the area the sit in is being staged. The mothers stated that they will continue their protests until the bodies are released to them.