Court rejects 'house arrest' for 80-year-old Özer, sent him to prison

VAN - It was learned that the application to turn the prison sentence of 80-year-old Makbule Özer into house arrest was rejected.
80-year-old Makbule Özer and her husband 79-year-old Hadi Özer were detained together with their children during the police raid on their house on July 24, 2018, in the Edremit district of Van. As a result of the investigation against the Özer couple, a lawsuit was filed with the accusation of "aiding a terrorist organization". The 2 years and 1 month prison sentence given to the Özer couple by the local court was upheld by the upper court. The Özer couple was arrested yesterday and sent to prison. 
Following the sentence given to the Özer couple, it was learned that the application of lawyer Dilan Kunt Ayan to the Van Execution Judge for the execution of Makbule Özer's sentence at her residence was rejected on the grounds that "legal conditions were not met".
Kunt stated that the 2 years and 1 month prison sentence given to her client Makbule Özer was upheld on February 23, 2022 and drew attention to the fact that her client had a 52 percent disability. In her petition, Kunt said, “My client, who is an 80-year-old woman with a 52 percent disability, cannot even meet her personal needs alone, and her daily needs are met by her children. Execution of the prison sentence will not serve any purpose expected from the execution of sentences according to the law. This would put my client in a position to be unable to meet even her daily personal needs. For this reason, my client provides the necessary conditions for the execution of the sentence in her residence. For the reasons explained above, it is requested that the client, who fulfills the necessary conditions for the execution of the sentence in her residence, be decided to be executed in the residence."
Evaluating the application, the Van Judgeship of Execution rejected all requests, claiming that "legal conditions were not met".

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