Election strategy of Green Left Party

  • actual
  • 14:48 29 March 2023
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ANKARA - Stating that their basic election strategy is "to make the AKP-MHP power lose", Green Left Party VQA member Ayşe Erdem said: We aim to get 20 percent of the vote in the elections."
The Greens and Left Future Party (Green Left Party), which the Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) will be running on their lists due to the ongoing closure case in the Constitutional Court, continue their preparations for the elections. The Green Left Party, which will announce its Election Declaration on March 30, together with the HDP, will start the campaign. Green Left Party Central Executive Board (MYK) member and former Co-spokesperson Ayşe Erdem made evaluations about the upcoming elections.
Emphasizing that the decision to participate in the elections under the umbrella of the Green Left Party is a “duty”, Erdem said: "THe main election strategy is to make the AKP-MHP government lose. Our aim is to get 20 percent of the vote in the elections and It is very valuable to play a key role in the parliament. We have an organizational ground to grow. We want to weave a strong parliamentary system and while doing so, open the way to the Democratic Republic. As we have done before, we will carry out our work on the street and in the neighborhood by contacting the public.”
Emphasizing the key issues in the final declaration revealed at the Party Council (PM) meeting held on March 27, Erdem said: "The promise was made at the meeting to remove the debris that emerged after the earthquake, together with the people, to establish cities compatible with nature. Emphasizing the importance of women and youth in the struggle. We stated that we will create the largest organization in the struggle of all those fighting for freedom, especially the Kurdish people, and that we will fight for a lasting and honorable peace in the face of securityist war policies."
Stating that one of the most important areas of struggle of the Green Left Party is the ecological struggle, Erdem said: “We have stated that we will be a platform with all the subjects who struggle against renter policies and eco-clipping, because the ecological struggle is not only in the political field, but also in the other field. HDP has as many plans for ecology struggle in its program as we do, but at the point we have reached, there are so many areas of struggle that sometimes the struggle for ecology can be left behind. But the climate crisis, which is on the agenda of the whole world, does not give us such a luxury. Ecological struggle should come at the forefront of work areas. It is one of the tasks of the Green Left to bring this to Parliament."
Expressing that there is a need for a social alliance to be enlarged with the democratic segments, Erdem said: "The elections are an important ground for this process. The election is important for all the peoples of the region. We have to succeed for the peace of the region and the future of the refugees."
Emphasizing that the Green Left Party was embraced by the people, Erdem said: “The people in Newroz showed that they are ahead of us. During the Newroz celebrations, families and children raised the flags of the Green Left Party without any hesitation. The Kurdish voters are a very experienced electorate. The parties change, but the people do not. I don't think we will have a problem because our people are ready. I am confident that the people of Kurdistan will embrace the Green Left Party."
Erdem continued his words as follows: “We are determined to maintain our key role before the election as well after the election. We would not hesitate to partner with the Nation Alliance in the making of a new democratic Constitution and in the efforts to end this power with all its mechanisms, but I can say that we will have the same key role in terms of the Nation Alliance, just as we have the power to change the AKP-MHP government today."
Stating that his party's election slogan will be announced together with the Election Declaration on March 30, Erdem said: "Our election slogan is 'we will defeat fascism'."

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