Karamus: Despite reporting the threats to KDP, no precautions were taken

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  • 10:08 25 September 2023
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NEWS CENTER - Stating that the main target in the attack on Hewlêr representatives was high-level officials, KNK Co-chair Ahmed Karamus said: "Although we had previously reported the threats to KDP officials and public order, no precautions were taken.
Attacks on Kurdish politicians, intellectuals and journalists continue in the Federated Kurdistan Region. In the attacks for which Turkey and KDP intelligence were held responsible, 5 people were murdered in Silêmaniyê alone in the last year. Jineology Research Center member and academician Nagihan Akarsel, Azadi Movement Executive Council member Süheyl Xurid Eziz (Mamoste Şemal), Zeki Çelebi, Ferhad Barış Kondu and PKK Committee member Yasin Bulut (Şükri Serhed) were the targeted names. Hüseyin Türeli was also murdered as a result of an armed attack in the most crowded shopping mall in Dohuk.
Most recently, on September 18, KNK Hewlêr Representative Deniz Bülbün lost his life in the attack on the Kurdistan National Congress (KNK) Hewlêr Representation building. Days have passed and neither those responsible have been found nor a statement has been made by KDP officials.
KNK Co-chairs Zeyneb Murad and Ahmed Karamus evaluated the targeting of their representatives.
KNK Co-chair Zeyneb Murad described the attack as "a planned conspiracy". Stating that there was a big plan after the attack, Murad said: "This attack is not just an attack on a person or just the KNK. This attack is an attack on Kurdistan. This attack is a part of the attacks against Rojava, Shengal, Zap, Metina and Avaşin. This is a great conspiracy led by the Turkish state. In this attack, the Kurdish people and all our achievements in Kurdistan were targeted. Bülbün fought for the Kurdish language. He carried out our diplomatic, political and cultural work with national consciousness. This instilled fear in the hearts of our enemy. This bullet was fired at the national unity of Kurdistan."
Stating that they wanted to prevent national unity efforts with the attacks, Murad said: "KNK's activities disturb them. Today, every Kurd fighting for their own identity is shown as a target by the Turkish state. It attacks Kurds from all four sides, and sees every Kurd as a threat to itself. Every Kurd with patriotic awareness is their target. This latest attack is not an attack carried out by the Turkish state alone. No one can attack the KNK representative office in a place where there is such security and go away freely. For this reason, our request is for this incident to be investigated in detail. We want to get information about the investigation to be carried out. This incident is not an incident where you can arrest someone and say 'we caught it, it's closed'. There are dark forces behind this incident. All of this should be clarified and the incident should be revealed."
Stating that his members had previously been threatened with death and that they had requested security from the Hewlêr public order, but this request was not taken seriously, KNK Co-Chairperson Ahmed Karamus said: "This attack is a terrorist attack. It is an attack against the existence of the Kurdish people. It is a conspiracy against Kurdish unity. We know that the Turkish state and the Turkish intelligence MİT are behind this attack. But it is not ordinary for such an attack to take place in the middle of Hewlêr. Turkish. We know very well that the state cannot carry out this attack without the help of its spies and partners."
Stating that the members of the delegation have been followed by KDP's intelligence organization Parastin in recent times, Karamus said: "In addition, our representation is monitored 24 hours a day. We have repeatedly reported to the police and the Bashur government that there are threats against KNK members. We informed the KDP officials that our members were threatened. However, the authorities requested security from the KNK representative. The KDP did not comply and did not take our request seriously. It is obvious that the Turkish state did not carry out this attack alone. Their aim is to remove the KNK representative office in Hewlêr. The Turkish state has now become a state that disregards international agreements."
Stating that KNK officials were the target of the attack, Karamus said: "Those who did not condemn the attacks were also partners in the attack. The target of the attacker was not only our friend Deniz, but all our friends in the building. KNK officials were the target in this attack. Our officials came out an hour before this attack, and coincidentally, the attack happened when the martyr Deniz was alone. This attack took place after the KNK members and officials left the place. The attack was planned. It is understood that the Turkish state asked for help from some officials in Southern Kurdistan to carry out this attack. This place is monitored with cameras 24 hours a day. It is not possible to treat this attack as an ordinary attack."
MA / Zeynep Durgut

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