Müftüoğlu's hearing on February 29: Lawlessness must end

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  • 11:26 25 February 2024
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AMED - The third hearing of DFG's prisoner co-chair Dicle Müftüoğlu will be held on February 29. Co-chair of the association, Serdar Altan, called on professional organizations and said: " Lawlessness must end."

Dicle Fırat Journalists Association (DFG) Co-chair and Mezopotamya Agency (MA) editor Dicle Müftüoğlu was detained in Amed during a raid on her house on April 29, 2023, within the scope of the investigation carried out by the Ankara Chief Public Prosecutor's Office. Müftüoğlu was arrested by the court on May 3, World Journalists' Day, on the charge of "being a member of a terrorist organization" and is imprisoned in Sincan Women's Closed Prison. While there was not a single reference to journalist Müftüoğlu on 41 pages of the 43-page indictment, Müftüoğlu was accused of "being a member of a terrorist organization" and "leading a terrorist organization". Müftüoğlu, who appeared before the judge twice at the Diyarbakır 5th High Criminal Court, was not released even though the allegations were refuted.
Müftüoğlu's third hearing will be held on February 29 at Diyarbakır 5th High Criminal Court. Before the hearing, Dicle Fırat Journalists Association (DFG), Mezopotamya Women Journalists Association (MKG), Contemporary Journalists Association (CGD), Media and Legal Studies Association (MLSA), Turkish Press and Printing Employees Union (BASIN-İŞ), Turkish Journalists Union (TGS) made a call to international institutions.
Dicle Fırat Journalists Association (DFG) Co-Chair Serdar Altan called for participation for the hearing to be held on February 29.
Stating that journalist Müftüoğlu has been imprisoned for 10 months, Altan emphasized that his imprisonment has turned into punishment. Stating that journalism is on trial in the person of Müftüoğlu, Altan said: “However, Müftüoğlu is not embraced enough because she is a Kurd journalist. This makes us sad. However, the duty of journalists is to share the truth. The pressure is spreading due to silence regarding the arrest of Kurd journalists. We have always said that if you remain silent against the pressure put on us today, it will be your turn tomorrow, and so it happened. That's why we say let's come together and end this silence.”
Altan, stated that they had previously made calls for the prisoner Müftüoğlu to take ownership of her case before the hearings, said: “Although these calls were important, we saw that they were not enough. This time, we made a call to international journalists, human rights defenders and political parties with the signature of 6 journalistic institutions in Turkey and Kurdistan. The main purpose of the call is to not remain silent about Dicle Müftüoğlu's case. We want each institution to contribute in its own field.”
Calling for participation in Müftüoğlu's 3rd hearing, which will be held on February 29, Altan said: "This is no longer acceptable. No one must accept this. This lawlessness and torture must end and Dicle must be released. On the day of the trial, everyone should support Dicle's case and it should be seen that Dicle is not alone. Dicle Müftüoğlu is a journalist and journalism is not a crime. Dicle did not commit a crime. She must be released as soon as possible.”
MA / Mehmet Güleş

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