Movie 'Stranên Keziya Sor' meets with audience

NEWS CENTER – The musical film "Stranên Keziya Sor", which tells the history of women's struggle around the world, met with the audience. The first screening of the film, which took 7 months to shoot, was held in Qamishlo, Kobanê, Raqqa and Tebqa.
The shooting of the musical film "Stranên Keziya Sor", which is a joint production of Hîlala Zêrîn Women's Culture and Art Movement, Mezopotamya Culture and Art Movement, Pargîn Cultural Institution and Hunergeha Welat organizations operating in Northern and Eastern Syria, was completed and released. The focus of the film, which takes its name from the personality and struggle of Sakine Cansız, who was murdered in Paris, in 2013, is the history of women's struggle around the world.
The 20-minute film, featuring 200 women, took 7 months to shoot in Raqqa and Cizir regions.
The first screening of the film, which was completed after months of work, was held simultaneously in 4 different cities. The public showed great interest in the film, which was first shown in the cities of Kobanê, Raqqa and Tebqa.
According to the news in ANHA; Speaking before the screening of the film in Qamishlo, Northern and Eastern Syria Hîlala Zêrîn Coordination member Mizgîn Çolaq stated that they dedicated the film to PKK Leader Abdullah Ocalan.
The screening of the film in Kobanê was held at Baqî Xido Culture and Art Center.
Speaking beforehand, actress Dîlara Şêx Demir said: “The film tells about the women's revolution from the beginning to the present. How did women advance themselves, how did they take their place in the military, political and social fields and become warriors and commanders? We dedicate the film to martyrs and women of the world."
Speaking before the screening of the film at the Culture and Art Center in Raqqa, Hîlala Zêrin Movement manager Gulbihar Seydo said: “March 8 and Newroz are just around the corner. These days are days of sacrifice for women. Women wrote heroic epics."
The movie also released on YouTube, can be watched from the following link.

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