Ecevit Piroğlu on hunger strike for 109 days


İZMİR - Speaking about the action of Ecevit Piroğlu, who was arrested in Serbia and has been on hunger strike for 109 days against unlawfulness, Hüseyin Ataş called for solidarity for Piroğlu.

Political refugee Ecevit Piroğlu, who was arrested in Serbia in June 2021 and whose extradition is requested by Turkey, continues to be held in the extradition camp despite the rejection of all 3 extradition cases. The health condition of Piroğlu, who started a hunger strike on February 12 to end this situation, is gradually deteriorating. Many actions and events were held for Piroğlu, who has been on hunger strike for 109 days and has lost up to 48 kilos. On April 10, 37 deputies from the People's Equality and Democracy Party (DEM Party), the Workers' Party of Turkey (TİP) and the Labor Party (EMEP) submitted a declaration to the Serbian Embassy in Turkey for the release of Piroğlu. While all attempts made to date have been inconclusive, it was noted that the condition of Piroğlu, who was hospitalized on May 27, was getting worse.
Hüseyin Ataş, a member of the Freedom Initiative for Ecevit Piroğlu, stated that Piroğlu has faced many unlawful acts since the first day he was arrested in Serbia, and reminded that he had previously gone on a hunger strike for 135 days against this. Ataş said: "The hunger strike action he started now is more severe than the previous one. The Serbian government filed 7-8 cases against Piroğlu. However, Piroğlu was acquitted in all cases. He has been arrested for 3 years, but there is no word from anyone about why he was arrested and why it took so long. We experienced such absurd events that he went to trial on the 98th day of his first hunger strike. The judge postponed the hearing by requesting re-identification for Piroğlu, who had changed physically due to the hunger strike. Even this situation shows us what the approach is."
Stating that Piroğlu's health condition is bad, "We can say that his will is very strong and his consciousness is still clear. However, his internal organs have started to lose many of their functions. He currently weighs around 48 kilos. This situation is not normal for a person of 1.83 height. He experiences sudden attacks such as fainting, falling and loss of balance. He was taken to hospital on May 27, but because he did not speak Serbian, he was taken back to the camp without treatment. Although he asked for a translator, Serbian authorities did not treat him, keeping a report on the grounds that he was 'rejecting the controls'. We informed both the repatriation camp and the hospital that Piroğlu did not make such a statement. We explained that bringing a native translator would make this job easier. We also requested that his translator, political representative, lawyer and family be informed or his companion be informed while he was going to hospitals. Because we don't know where we might be taken and what we might encounter. They can tell us at any time and say, 'We lost Ecevit Piroğlu'" Ataş said.
Noting that they made an application to the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR), Ataş said: "Serbia will be subject to sanctions due to these practices. They are taking them to the hospital to avoid facing sanctions. In the checks carried out in the last two weeks, we see that although the weight statements are correct, other values are written incorrectly. The values 15 days ago and today's values are written the same. We know that this is also a fraudulent reporting and a crime against humanity. Piroğlu is being murdered piece by piece by the Serbian state. We want to have the tests done at the hospital we choose. Neither this is allowed nor they disclose the correct values. Many internationally respected doctors made reports and these were forwarded to judicial authorities. However, there is still not the slightest improvement."
"Ecevit Piroğlu's agenda is not just an agenda about him," said Ataş, and continued: "Ecevit Piroğlu became the symbol of the relations established by AKP-MHP fascism in the world and its reckoning with revolutionaries. Ecevit Piroğlu is being talked about behind the scenes at the NATO summit held in the Balkans. Many institutions such as the United Nations (UN), ECHR, and the Committee for the Prevention of Torture (CPT) state that Piroğlu must be released. Serbia, on the other hand, relied on the commercial and political relations it established with the AKP. Even this situation shows that the case is not a legal case. With Piroğlu, the way was opened for serious attacks on political refugees living in Europe. The killing of Piroğlu is also the killing of a society."
Noting that everyone who calls themselves "human" must be in solidarity with Piroğlu, Ataş said: "Let's do whatever we can. Even a post made for him has value for us. We know that these have a social equivalent. Even just one person's voice is rewarded. That's why we invite everyone to have a say on this issue. We ask for support from all the public. There are already constant posts on the initiative's virtual media accounts. But it is important that our voices are louder. We have this power. Do not leave Ecevit Piroğlu alone as much as you can." 
MA / Tolga Güney

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