Patrols being built in Gabar due to 'oil security'

ŞIRNEX - In the Gabar Mountain region, where ecological destruction is at an extreme level, new patrols are being built for the "security" of the oil pipeline.
The Gabar Mountain region, which is banned under the name of "special security zone" in Şirnex (Şırnak-Kurdistan), is being plundered by mines, logging and oil activities. Turkish Petroleum Joint Stock Company (TPAO) continues its drilling activities by destroying a large area of forest in the region. The destruction that causes the destruction of the habitats of creatures such as gazelles and mountain goats is happening under the supervision of soldiers and rangers. In addition, new Patrols are being built in the region, claiming the security of oil pipelines.
Work has started for the oil pipeline in an area of 35 kilometers towards the Hezex (İdil) district. New Patrols have begun to be built in some places where oil pipelines will pass. Patrols are also being built in Hespist and Bafê villages of Hezex and in Hêtman and Cêleka villages of Basa (Güçlükonak) district. The construction of the patrol in Hespist village, which has a population of 1,200, started on May 31. It was noteworthy that the castle was built in the courtyard of a citizen's house.
Abdullah Naz stated that the construction of the patrol started despite their objections. Naz said: "The castle is being built in the courtyard of my brother's house. After the construction started, I told the military, 'This house is ours, you cannot build a fortress here arbitrarily, the fortifications built in the village are made at least 4-5 kilometers away from the village.' They replied to me that 'the governor, gendarmerie and regiment command found this place suitable.' They tell us that they are building a fortress for oil security. We told them, 'If you build a police station in the village, people will no longer be able to go out in front of their homes.' But they did it despite that." 
Stating that the construction of a patrol must be stopped, Naz said: "All the villagers are reacting to this situation. Because we do not want a patrol to be built in the middle of the village. We do not want them to build a patrol inside our village. This is cruelty."
MA / Zeynep Durgut

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