Journalist Oremar: Kurds in Iran will not go to polls

NEWS CENTER - Journalist-writer Kakşar Oremar, who said that all 6 people who will compete in the presidential elections in Iran have "criminals", stated that Kurdish voters whose rights have been usurped will not go to the polls.
Following the death of Ibrahim Reisi in a helicopter crash, new presidential elections will be held in Iran. 63 million voters will go to the polls on June 28 to elect the new president. The Council of Guardians of the Constitution examined the "loyalty to the regime and political, moral and religious criminal record" of those who wanted to be candidates in the presidential election and gave permission to 6 candidates. Parliament Speaker Mohammed Baqir Qalibaf, former National Security Council Secretary General Said Jalili, former Interior Minister Mustafa Purmuhammedi, Martyrs and Veterans Foundation Chair Emir Hussein Kadızadehashimi, Tehran Mayor Ali Reza Zakani and former Health Minister Masoud Pezeshkian, one of the "reformists", will compete in the elections.
Massoud Pezeshkiyan (70), the only candidate supported by the "reformist" side in Iran, was born in the city of Mahabad. Pezeshkian is known as a name that criticizes the harsh interventions previously made in "static" protests against conservatives. However, during the election propaganda process, he attracted the reaction of those who wanted reform with his statements stating that he would not stand against Khamenei's policies and would implement them. Pezeşkiyan, a cardiac surgeon, previously served as a member of parliament for five terms and served as the Minister of Health for four years.
Among the conservative candidates, one of the candidates with the highest chance of being elected is Muhammed Baqır Qalibaf. Qalibaf, who is 62 years old, is known as a name close to Khamenei. Qalibaf, who had previously been an obstacle to the passage of reform laws, took part in the Iran-Iraq war in his 20s, was loved by the regime, and constantly rose in rank. Qalibaf, known for his harsh, aggressive and strict views towards the public, has been the speaker of the parliament in Iran for the last four years. Qalibaf withdrew his candidacy in favor of Reisi in the elections held in 2021.
One of the strong candidates supported by the conservatives is Mustafa Purmuhammedi, who was born in Qom. Purmuhammedi, 65, served in military courts in Kurdistan. He signed the death penalty for many people, especially Kurds. Purmuhammedi, who took part in intelligence work in Kurdistan, is one of the names in the council known as the "Death Committee". Purmuhamedi, who was also involved in foreign intelligence work, was previously known to be responsible for the death of Kurdish politician Sadık Şerefkendi, leader of the Iranian Kurdistan Democratic Party (PDK), and an explosion in Argentina. Purmuhammedi is on the wanted list as a "terrorist" in countries such as the USA and Israel.
Emir Hüseyin Gazizade Hashemi (53), another candidate of the conservatives, was born in Khorasan. Hashemi, who is pro-regime, stands out as a name supported by conservatives. Hashemi, who served as a member of parliament in the Iranian parliament for 4 terms, was most recently the deputy of the President. The name, who is successful in his field as an ear, nose and throat (ENT) surgeon, is remembered as a name that stands in front of the public by acting in accordance with the policies of the system after entering politics.
Alireza Zakani (59), who was born in the city of Rey, took part in the Basij Resistance Forces, the volunteer wing of the Revolutionary Guards. Zakani was active in the Central Council of the Islamic Student Union of Tehran University of Medical Sciences and specialized in the field of "nuclear energy". Zakani, who served as the Mayor of Tehran and is in the parliament, is known as a name close to the Regime.
59-year-old Said Jalili (59), born in Mashhad, received his doctorate at Sadik University. Celili, who worked at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, worked in the National Council organization. Jalili, who is also a member of the state institution called the Council for Diagnosing the Interests of the Order (DMTK), chaired the delegation representing the Regime in the negotiations regarding Iran's nuclear program. Jalili, who is pro-regime and involved in efforts to maintain the Iranian Regime, participated in the elections twice before and withdrew in favor of Reisi in the 2021 elections.
Journalist-writer Kakşar Oremar, who follows the developments in the region closely, stated that all 6 candidates have "criminal" past practices. Noting that the elections in Iran were undemocratic, Oremar said: "Those who have taken office so far have not taken any practical steps for freedom, fundamental rights and democracy. There are multiple crises in Iran right now. The Iranian regime is experiencing constitutionality problems both inside and outside. Iranian politics is also influential in the recent war between Hamas and Israel. In the current situation, there is a situation where Lebanese Hezbollah will enter the war. The Russia-Ukraine war continues. All the events taking place in the region also affect Iran. There is very little time left until the elections are held. However, there is no election excitement whatsoever. Elections in Iran are held as a formality. The public sees this clearly. I think the turnout in the upcoming elections may be lower than the elections in which Reisi was elected."  
Stating that Massoud Pezeshkiyan, the candidate of those who want reform, faced the reaction of those who want reform after his statements of support for Khamenei, Oremar stated that this situation will cause the participation in the elections to decrease even more.
"The people are trying to hold on to life with serious unemployment and multiple crises," said Oremar and added: "There were constant deaths and torture during the Reisi's term. The current candidates do not give anyone any hope. In the recent statements, the regime has appointed Pezeshkiyan as President to cover up what happened. The elections held are for show. The Iranian regime wants to create legitimacy for both domestic and foreign politics."
Oremar noted that although the Kurds have a large population, they have no hope for the elections because they are not given their rights and are constantly tortured, and said that the Kurds will largely boycott the elections. Oremar continued as follows: "The participation of Kurds in the elections held in the last 45 years has been low. Finally, many people were killed, detained and arrested in the 'Jin, Jiyan, Azadî (Woman, Life, Freedom)' protests that started after the murder of Jîna Emînî. The majority of them were Kurds. In fact, it is the Kurds who are actually opposing the Iranian regime. The rights of both Shiite and Sunni Kurds are ignored. They are not even allowed to build a mosque in Mahabad, where nearly 3 million Sunni Kurds live. Kurds are prevented from becoming presidential candidates. There are constant bans on the culture and beliefs of the Kurds. When all these come together, we can easily say that the Kurds will not go to the polls in the elections." 
MA / Delal Akyüz

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