Attack in Adana: 2 dead, 2 injured

ADANA - 2 people lost their lives and 2 people were injured in an armed attack on a vehicle in Seyhan district.
An armed attack was carried out on a vehicle with plate number 70 AAF 487 in front of the Immigration Administration Mobile Point located in Kocavezir neighborhood of Adana's central Seyhan district. In the attack carried out by people on motorcycles, Hatice Çelik and her brother-in-law Murat Akdöker lost their lives. 2 people were seriously injured.
After the attack, many police and medical teams were dispatched to the scene. The police opened fire around for a while. Some bullets hit the windows of workplaces.
The injured were taken to the hospital by medical teams dispatched to the scene and were treated.

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