Former Iraqi parliamentarian: Parastin determines where Turkey will bomb

NEWS CENTER - Former Iraqi parliamentarian Xalib Muhammed said that Parastin determines the places to be bombed by warplanes and said: "The Barzani family is doing everything to stay in power." 
The attacks launched by Turkey in cooperation with the KDP against the Federated Kurdistan Region continue. Bombarding the territory of the region every day, Turkey continues to send troops, tanks and armored vehicles and build new bases. Former Iraqi Parliamentarian Xalip Muhammed evaluated Turkey's attacks, KDP's cooperation in these attacks and the silence of the Iraqi government to Rojnews.  
Stating that the Barzani family is doing everything to stay in power, Mohammed said: "Because if they are not in power, they will disappear. Their authority is not related to their own power and abilities. In the past, the Shah of Iran supported them and now Turkey supports them. In other words, their staying in power is about corruption and lawlessness. In my opinion, as long as the Barzani family remains in power, the Kurds will not be comfortable. It is unacceptable and unfortunate that the Turkish state, with the approval of the Regional President and the Prime Minister, is building military bases in the region and checking the identity of its citizens. Our people should react to the invaders who ask for their identity by saying 'who are you and what are you doing here'." 
(Former Iraqi parliamentarian Xalib Muhammed)
Referring to the bombing of the region by Turkish warplanes, Muhammed said: "The planes bombing Sulaymaniyah take off from the bases built by the Turkish state in the Kurdistan Region. Those planes do not take off from Istanbul and bomb us. Parastin predetermines where the Turkish warplanes will bomb. Whenever the Barzani family sees that its power is in danger, it brings a foreign power into its house to prolong its life and does not see this as a betrayal. Those who are proud of August 31st should hand over Hewlêr and Duhok to Turkey. For the Barzani family, the destruction of the entire Kurdistan Region is normal. The existence of the Barzani family depends on the existence of Turkey, without Turkey they will not exist." 
Mohammad reacted: "Our 60 parliamentarians in the Iraqi Parliament should call for an urgent meeting to discuss the illegal forces in the region. Within the framework of the decisions taken here, they should take the issue to the United Nations and present concrete documents showing that these forces are occupiers. If the KDP itself makes way for them and protects them, what is this not treason? Wearing Kurdish clothes does not make you a Kurd." 
Drawing attention to KDP leader Massoud Barzani's visit to Baghdad, Mohammad said: "Even if Massoud Barzani visits Baghdad hundreds of times, he cannot prevent the decisions taken by the Federal Court. The Federal Court's decisions have weakened the KDP. The KDP is afraid of going to elections because it has planned all the elections so far. Half of its votes were fake and the other half were quota votes. Even now it is trying with all its might to prevent the elections from taking place. Massoud Barzani visited Baghdad for three reasons. The first one is for the Iraqi Parliament to hold early elections and to hold them together with the regional elections, so that the current election commission will be canceled and an election commission he will establish will run the elections. The second is to say 'Turkey came for the PKK, not for Kurdistan'. However, it is known that wherever Turkey goes, it does not come back, so Iraq did not accept this. The third is to include the salaries of the employees of the region in the 'My Number' project. But this was also not accepted. Because according to the decision of the Federal Court, the salaries of the employees will be paid under the authority of Iraq."

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