Journalist Altan Turkey has started annexation

NEWS CENTER - Journalist Erdoğan Altan said that Turkey has annexed many areas in the Federated Kurdistan Region, adding that paramilitary groups are being deployed in the evacuated areas and demography is being changed. 
Turkey has increased its attacks in the countryside of Amêdiyê in Dohuk in the Federated Kurdistan Region in recent days. Turkey has set up checkpoints in the region and started identity checks, frequently bombarding village centers and rural areas from the air and land. Turkey, acting together with the KDP, has been sending armored vehicles and soldiers to the region for days. While the attacks continue, it has been brought to the agenda that more than 800 paramilitary groups from Syria have been brought to the region and deployed. 
Journalist Erdoğan Altan evaluated the developments in the region. Pointing out that Turkey is trying to create a buffer zone against the PKK, Altan described the attacks as an "annexation attempt". Noting that there are also ISIS fighters among the paramilitary groups brought in by Turkey, Altan said that villages are being evacuated, detentions and arrests are being launched in order to reach the target of the attacks. 
Stating that Turkey is acting together with the KDP on all roads in Duhok, Zaxo and Hewlêr, "A policy is being pursued to isolate the guerrilla forces" Altan said. 
Stating that 407 workplaces and thousands of decares of land were burned in the last 5 months, Altan said: "The Iraqi government is also wanted to be included in this concept. In other words, we can say that a new curtain is being opened in the history of genocide in Kurdistan. Of course, the KDP plays the biggest role in Turkey's comfortable positioning. Together with Ankara, they have rolled up their sleeves to turn the territory of Bashûr into a new home for radical Islamists. Baghdad's indifference means that it approves of these attacks or is involved in some secret agreements."
Altan said that practices such as checkpoints, identity checks and village evacuations call into question the legitimacy of the current administrations. "One of the main concerns of the people of Bashûr is that radical Islamist groups such as ISIS members will be settled in the evacuated areas. Turkey has also rolled up its sleeves to change the demographic structure. They want to create a buffer zone with radical Islamist groups from Dohuk to Hewlêr, Betil, Dêrkar, Batûfa, Kanîmasî, Dêreluk, Şeladizê and Dinartê. They want to do the same plan here that they created in Northern and Eastern Syria" he said.  
Stating that Turkey annexed an area of approximately 40 kilometers and handed it over to armed groups, Altan noted that the names of the heads of the armed groups sent to the region have been identified. Stating that among the people in question were people who had previously fought in ISIS and similar organizations in Northern and Eastern Syria. Pointing out that the groups were deployed in 72 outposts and bases. 
Altan shared the following information about some of the executives in the groups deployed to the Federated Kurdistan Region:
"* Musena Xelil El-Hesen (Abu El Wefa), born in 1990 in Meyadin district of Deirazor. He is married and has 3 children. He was giving combat training in Girê Spi in the Jabhet al-Shamiye group affiliated to Turkey.
* Semih Fuad Yazilçi (Abu Umer), born in 1990 in Girê Spi. He was a member of ISIS intelligence in Raqqa, Hesekê, Dêrazor and Homs. 
* Reed Hesen El-Wegai (Abu Mihemed), born in 1996 in Meyadin district of Dêrazor. He is married and has one child. In 2017, he was relocated to Afrin. 
* Tarıq Ebû Ezîz (Ebû Elî), born in 1991 in Meyadin district. Married and father of 3 children. He is a member of paramilitary groups in Serêkaniyê.
* Edhem Fatih al-Shekirci (Abu Bakr), born in 2000 in Dêrazor. Until 2017, he worked as a logistician for DAESH in Minbij, Jarabulus and northern Aleppo. 
* Basil Mihemed El Eli (Abu El-Ziber), born in 1995 in Dêrazor. He was last active in paramilitary groups in Serêkaniyê. 
* Majid Mistefa El Xalid (Ebû Decana El Ansari), born in 1990. He gave bomb training in Serêkaniyê. 
* Mihemed Enes al Ibêd (Abu Muawiya), took part in the Jabhet al-Shamiya group in Girê Spî. 
* Mihemed Mihyeddin (Erendes), took part in the Jabhet al-Shamiya group in Girê Spî. 
Stating that the number of evacuated villages has increased to 162 with the latest Turkish attacks, "Threats against 602 villages continue in order to annex the region completely. There are also reports that some families have been offered money to settle in camps in Hewlêr and Duhok" Altan said. 
Altan said that what happened could cause a great outburst of anger and noted that the KDP is trying to normalize the situation. Altan said, "The people of Bashûr are aware of everything. The people of Bashûr are shouting loudly that radical Islamists, especially ISIS fighters, will be placed in the areas to be evacuated." 
Altan said the following: "We know from past experiences what kind of attitude is shown against the operations. The attitude of the people in Rojava, especially in Bakûr and Rojhilat Kurdistan will be decisive. The Kurdish people and the people in the region who are being subjected to genocide should also support this process with self-defense."

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