AMED - The women in Amed we spoke to on the occasion of March 8 International Women's Day wished for an end to the massacres of women. "As long as women are not free in the world, no one can be free" said Semra Gündüz, one of the women.
As the March 8 is just around the corner, women in the country and in the region continue their activities, actions and events. Welcoming March 8 in an environment where male violence and massacres are increasing, women will meet in the fields and raise their objections.
Before March 8, we handed the microphone to women in Amed (Diyarbakır). The biggest demand of the women is to end the massacres of women.
Stating that they do not feel safe due to the current conditions in the country, Şilan Yolcu said, "We face an incdent every day. This makes us uneasy. Women's make-up and the clothes they wear are an excuse for them. However, the issue of open or closed clothes is a matter of mentality. Murders are increasing because these excuses are indifferent. In order to prevent these murders, women should unite with each other and be in solidarity. On March 8, let's be in solidarity together in the fields."
Necla Tekin also emphasised she do not feel safe and said that se do not know what would happen to her even while walking on the road, "This state of uneasiness has started to increase more in women. There should be deterrent penalties to prevent it. Because none of us have any security. Women do not deserve this."
Stressed that the responsibility of raising boys lies with the mother and father and underlined that children should be raised in a conscious way, "This would not happen if the killers were given high penalties. But they know that they can walk on the streets with their hands waving their arsm after killing. They have the comfort of this. This is why the murders continue to increase," Necla Tekin said and called on all women to March 8 to increase the struggle.
Reacting to the violence and massacres agianst women, Nurhan Karadağ said, "It is the woman who suffers, the woman who raises the child, the woman who builds life, but it is the woman who is murdered again. If deterrent punishments were given, massacres would not increase so much. They are so comfortable because they know they will not be punished. If women are united, we will definitely win."
Seher Şenyiğit stated that men and the state are trying to imprison women at home and said, "While they want freedom for themselves, they restrict women. However, men and women are equal. They hold men who commit violence agianst women for an hout and then release them again. Women should be united and in solidarity against them. Jin, jiyan, azadî (Woman, life, freedom)."
Güllü Savuran called for solidarity on March 8 and breaking the silence against the situation.
Semra Gündüz drew attention to women's freedom and said, "As long as women are not free in the world, no one can be free."
MA / Heval Önkol