Companies set their sights on Hasandin Plateau

AMED - Hasandin Plateau, one of the lifeblood of Pasûr district, is targeted by companies seeking mines. DEM Party deputy Serhat Eren stated that the region is wanted to be dehumanized with mining activities and said: “We will not allow any company.” 
Hasandin Plateau in Pasûr (Kulp) district of Amed is targeted by companies searching for mining reserves. On July 24, a mining company team drilled in the area and took samples for mining. The villagers in the region stood up in the presence of soldiers. The work on the plateau, which is surrounded by the neighborhoods of Nêrçik, Şînas, Dimilyan, Hêlin, Beyrok and İnika and many hamlets, was stopped after the villagers' reaction. 
Peoples' Equality and Democracy Party (DEM) Amed deputy Serhat Eren, who visited the region, emphasized that they will not allow any mining in the plateau.
Underlining that the main source of livelihood of the people living in Kurdistan is animal husbandry, beekeeping and agriculture, Eren stated that the geography is wanted to be dehumanized with mines, HEPPs and Geothermal Energy Plants (GES). 
Eren said: “While mining is carried out in the West for the rent of companies, in Kurdistan, nature massacres and mining activities are carried out as a special war policy. Hydroelectric Power Plants (HEPP), police stations and fortresses are being built. It is not possible to explain this only with rent. These are activities that aim for a geography without Kurds, without a homeland, without people.”
Eren pointed out that there are dozens of neighborhoods and hamlets on the outskirts of Hasandin Plateau, and said that the water resources on the plateau feed a large area. Eren said, mining activity here will mean the migration of the neighborhoods and hamlets living in the Hasandin foothills. 
Emphasizing that they will not allow the mine to be built in Hasandin, Eren said: “This is our call to the Kurdish people and the people of Turkey. We want everyone to fight where they are against the massacre of nature in Kurdistan. We will protect our nature, our plateaus, our past, our bees, our memories. We will not allow any company to come here. We will oppose this together with our people and we will not leave these areas.”  
MA / Müjdat Can