90 percent disabled prisoner on hunger strike for the freedom of Abdullah Öcalan

  • actual
  • 17:09 1 December 2023
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RIHA - 90 percent disabled prisoner Emin Güler also participated in the rotating hunger strike launched to demand the freedom of PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan and the solution of the Kurdish issue.

The rotating hunger strike launched in prisons in Turkey and Kurdistan, demanding the end of the isolation imposed by PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan and ensuring physical freedom, has entered its 5th day. The protest, which was launched on November 27 by PKK and PAJK prisoners with the demands of "freedom for Abdullah Öcalan and a solution to the Kurdish issue", will continue until February 15, 2024.

Association of Lawyers for Freedom (ÖHD) Riha Branch reported the problems encountered during their visits to the prisoners in Urfa No. 1 and 2 Type T closed prisons and the latest situation of the prisoners on hunger strike.

In the report, during the meeting with the prisoners in Urfa No. 1 Type T Closed Prison, the report noted as follows: "3 prisoners are on hunger strike and that there is a problem with some of the food that should be provided by the prison administration in line with the demands of the prisoners on hunger strike. A ward in Urfa No. 2 Type T Prison, where there are approximately 60 political prisoners, is on a 10-day rotating hunger strike that started on November 27, and that 2 prisoners from each ward in No. 2 Type T will be on hunger strike at 10-day intervals. Prisoner Emin Güler, who is 90 percent disabled, is also present."

The Mezopotamya Agency contacted Güler's family upon ÖHD's report. Güler's older brother, Ahmet Güler, said the following about the phone call he had with his brother: "He said that he was on a hunger strike to demand that the isolation imposed on my brother Abdullah Öcalan be lifted as soon as possible and that his physical freedom be ensured. He also said that he wanted to end the unlawful practices implemented in prisons and executions and burnings. He said that he went on strike. They wanted to take my brother to the cell because he was on hunger strike. They took him to the cell and then sent him back to his cell, saying 'The cells are full'. When they were going to take him to the cell, they took the food that they had requested to be given to them when they went on hunger strike, and held him in the cell with only salt and water. 'They would hold me there' my brother said, 'If I had been taken, I would probably have been held there until the 10-day period was over.'"