Call to 'end isolation' from the Peace Watch

  • actual
  • 17:23 1 December 2023
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NEWS CENTER - In the "Peace Watch" demonstrations organized by the Human Rights Association in many cities, a call was made to end the isolation for social peace.

The watch carried out by the Human Rights Association (IHD) on the first Friday of every month with the slogan "Peace for All Political Prisoners" continued this month as well. This month's demand in the watch held in many cities was: "Lift the isolation for social peace; "Stop the violations of rights in prisons."

Özgür Faik Erol, one of the lawyers of Asrın Law Firm, People's Equality and Democracy Party (HEDEP) Provincial Organization managers, Lawyers Association for Freedom (ÖHD), İHD (Human Rights Association) lawyers, Labor and Democracy Platform and Peace Mothers attended. The action took place simultaneously in Ankara, Amed, Elih, Riha, Mersin, Hatay, Adana, Antalya and Mersin provinces.


Lawyer Yusuf Erdoğan, Member of the Prisons Commission, gave the following message: "This is possible by eliminating discriminatory practices against prisoners held in prison for political reasons with the establishment of an honorable peace in Turkey and the end of isolation and isolation practices in prisons, especially seriously ill prisoners. As the Human Rights Association, we call once again; We say: Stop isolation torture, release seriously ill prisoners, abolish administrative observation boards, peace right now!"