No records of parcels trustee bought for AKP candidate

ÊLIH - Êlih Municipality could not find any record regarding the aid parcels worth 53 million Liras that the trustee received from the municipal budget for the AKP candidate.
Studies on the irregularities of the trustees continue in Êlih (Batman-Kurdistan) Municipality, one of the municipalities won by the People's Equality and Democracy Party (DEM Party) in the March 31 elections.
The trustee administration purchased 72 thousand food parcels with the tender held on March 22. The tender was awarded to Akçay Passenger Transportation Domestic and Foreign Trade Limited Company for 53 million Liras. The tender specifications included the condition that the food parcels would be distributed between 22-31 March. While 6 million Liras was paid during the trustee period, 47 million Liras was left until after March 31.
DEM Party conducted research on who the boxes were distributed to. However, no record could be found of how the parcels were distributed and to whom. It turned out that it was not brought to the municipality's warehouses.
The boxes in question were distributed before the election with photos of Adil Sebati Ceylan, the AKP Êlih Mayor candidate, pasted on them.
In addition to the aid parcels, no trace of the 500 training balls, 20 tennis rackets and other sports equipment taken 2 days before the election was found.
Êlih Municipality Legal Commission is preparing to initiate a legal process regarding purchases made with the municipal budget but whose records are not kept. 
MA / Fethi Balaman