‘Turkey wants to annex evacuated areas’

  • actual
  • 09:54 5 August 2024
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NEWS CENTER - Stating that Turkey wants to annex the places it evacuated, writer Engin Yurtsever said: "The Middle East is in a war, borders will change in many places. Turkey also wants to expand its territory. However, it does not have the power to do so." 
Turkey's attacks in the Federated Kurdistan Region are concentrated in the countryside of Amêdiyê district of Dohuk. Turkey, in partnership with the KDP, has established new bases and checkpoints in the region, and has been making frequent military deliveries. Journalist-writer Engin Yurtsever evaluated the developments.  
Stating that Mosul and Kirkuk are targeted with the attacks, Yurtsever said: "This plan could not come into effect a century ago. The government's 'Neo-Ottomanism' decision is aimed at creating the conditions for this situation. Behdînan region was primarily targeted for possible attacks on Qandil and Northern and Eastern Syria. However, all the attacks they carried out by utilizing the possibilities of technology, including the use of chemical weapons, could not advance against the resistance shown here. As they could not advance on the ground, we see that they could not move as much as they wanted from the air."
Pointing out that paramilitary groups from Syria have been shifted to the region, Yurtsever said: "Turkey has often camouflaged its own soldiers by dressing them in the uniforms of these gangs. The aim is to change the demographic structure with the jihadist organization militants and their families they settled in Kurdistan. In this way, they want to detach the places known as Kurdistan from their historical context and annex them to themselves. The aim is to annex the evacuated places and to establish civilian administrations in these annexed places, and if this does not happen, to use them as military bases. Another goal is to foresee a change of borders and administrations in the Middle East. Because the Middle East is in the midst of a war, borders and administrations will change in many places. The Turkish state wants to take advantage of this opportunity and come out of this war by expanding its territory. But it has no power to do this."
Yurtsever said that the Iraqi government has lost the seriousness of governance with its silence in the face of the attacks, and that the KDP administration is disposing of the places under its control step by step. "It was the Kurdistan freedom movement that resisted, and it was the KDP that carried out the process leading to surrender. It is impossible for the attacks to take place without the approval of Iraq and the KDP. The KDP is involved in providing military bases, evacuating villages and taking part in the war" he said. 
Pointing to the wars and conflicts in the Middle East, Yurtsever said: "This new era started with the so-called Arab Spring. Now the process has come to an end. Even if Iran stands out as the target, Lebanon, Syria and Iraq are on the way. Since the Turkish state sees this situation, it wants to create a defacto situation. The Turkish state could have avoided this process by making an agreement with the Kurds on a democratic basis. They could have started with the return of some basic rights such as constitutional rights, education in mother language, independence of local governments, freedom of political prisoners, but they did not. They chose to fight instead of talking, but they will still have to talk. Kurds are resisting both politically and militarily and they are not losing." 
MA / Delal Akyüz