Concerned about the condition of her son in solitary confinement

  • actual
  • 13:53 14 August 2024
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AMED - Medine Esmer, mother of İmran Esmer, who is being held in solitary confinement in Suluca High Security Prison No 1, applied to IHD due to her concerns about her son's condition. 

Imran Esmer was arrested in Edirne on June 9, 2022 and was taken to Adana Kürkçüler Type f Closed Prison. Esmer was transferred to Suluca High Security Prison No 1 in the same city 2 months ago. Esmer is being held in solitary confinement in the same prison.  Esmer was sentenced to 6 years and 3 months in prison for “being an illegal organization member”. Esmer's case is still pending before the Court of Cassation. Esmer's mother Medine Esmer reacted against her son being held in solitary confinement. 
Mother Esmer applied to Human Rights Association (IHD) Amed Branch and demanded legal assistance regarding the violation of her son's rights. Stating that her son is being held in solitary confinement even though his sentence has not been approved, mother Esmer said that she went to her son's open visit on August 12. Mother Esmer said: “My son can neither see nor talk to anyone there. From the first day he was taken to prison until last week, he was allowed to see his friends for one hour a day. Even if my son dies there, no one will know about it. He is in the same corridor with ISIS and community prisoners. The fact that my son is in a room alone and isolated seriously affects his psychology and worries us.”