Important decisions from DEM Party

ANKARA - In the latest meeting of the DEM Party's Central Executive Committee, it was decided to launch a "Bread and Justice" campaign and to establish a commission for a "Democracy Alliance."   
Members of the Central Executive Committee (MYK) of the Peoples' Equality and Democracy Party (DEM Party) met at the party's headquarters on June 26. According to the information obtained: The isolation of PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan was one of the main agenda items at the meeting. The meeting emphasized that the isolation "can be broken through a determined struggle". Injustices in all areas of life were discussed, and discussions were held on the need for a joint struggle with all democracy forces to eliminate injustice.   
The economic crisis was another important agenda of the meeting. It was decided at the meeting that raising the minimum wage, pensions and the effects of the economic crisis would be among the party's main agenda items in the coming period. MYK decided to launch a campaign called "Bread and Justice" on this issue. The campaign will reach out to all segments of society, especially workers and laborers. 
As part of the campaign, an "Agriculture Rally" will be organized in Mêrdîn (Mardin-Kurdistan). It was decided that the date of the rally will be determined later. 
The murder of 7 women in one day was on the agenda of the meeting. It was pointed out that attacks against women are increasing day by day and it was emphasized that the struggle against this should be increased together with women's organizations.  
Some organizing decisions were taken. Accordingly, the Women's Organizing Conference will be held first on September 13. Then the Central Organization Conference will be held on September 14-15. Work for the conference will start as soon as possible in the provinces where the party is organized. 
Another important decision taken at the meeting was about Party Schools. According to the decision, a regulation will be prepared for this direction. This regulation will then be submitted to the Party Assembly (PM) for approval. In addition, if the PM approves the directive, the party's administrative, legal and employment units will be involved in determining the buildings where the schools will be opened and where the training will take place. If the deficiencies are addressed, Party Schools will start to open in September.  
"Alliance" was also discussed at the meeting. It was emphasized that the work for a "Democracy Alliance" should continue. It was also decided that MYK is in a position to support these efforts and that Co-Chairs Tulay Hatimoğulları and Tuncer Bakırhan will personally make contacts to accelerate these efforts. It was also decided to establish a relevant commission. 
The meeting also dwelt at length on the consequences of the fires in Amed (Diyarbakır-Kurdistan) and Mêrdîn on the night of June 20. It was decided that children in particular suffered serious damage in this process and that the party's Children's Commission will step in to urgently address this damage. The commission will be in contact and solidarity with civil society organizations in the region. 
During the meeting, plans for the anniversaries of the Madımak and Çorum massacres were discussed. In addition, plans were made for the anniversaries of the deaths of Vedat Aydın, who was murdered when he was HEP Amed Provincial Chair, and Ali İsmail Korkmaz, who was murdered during the Gezi Resistance. 
The Disability Commission will organize a panel discussion in Amed between July 11-14. On July 13, it was decided that the MYK will make a statement on the anniversary of the Zilan Massacre. It was also decided that the Women's Coordination meeting planned for July 12-14 will be held in Izmir. Plans were also made for important agendas in the coming period. 
MA / Mehmet Aslan