Mexmûr letter from HDP to Barzani

ANKARA - HDP Co-Chairs Pervin Buldan and Mithat Sancar has sent a letter to Iraq Kurdistan Federated Regional Government Leader Neçirvan Barzani regarding the embargo and air strikes to Mexmûr Camp.
Peoples's Democratic Party (HDP) Co-Chairs Pervin Buldan and Mithat Sancar has sent a letter to Iraq Kurdistan Federated Regional Government Leader Neçirvan Barzani regarding the embargo and air strikes to Mexmûr Camp, which has started in April 15. The letter, which was officially announced in Kurdish and Turkish, the regonal government is invited to evalute their approach to Mahmuw Camp one more time.
The letter written by Buldan and Sancar includes the following statements:
"Dear President Nêçîrvan Barzani, regarding the struggle of existence of the Kurdish people in the region, the historical responsibility of all the political representatives like us, increases to a serious level each and every day. In the face of the hot incidents in our region, the need for the solidarity and unity among Kurds has become an urgent matter.
the struggle of rights and status of the Kurds has always faced with great difficulties. Especially, it is known for us all that the states in the region have acted unitedly, regardless of their own conflicts, against this struggle of the Kurds. This gives a respnsbility to the Kurds to create stabile diaologe mechanisms and to enrich the possibilities of unity and solidarity. This is also crucial for the permanent peace among the peoples in the region. 
Dear president,
we are following the the efforts of the government in Turkey to trigger a process of conflict and tension in the region that you govern. Embargo applied on Mexmûr Camp, in which more than 10 thousand of people from North Kurdistan live, serves to grow the risks. Mexmûr people are also your people. We ask you to claim and accept them as part of the North Kurdistan people. We kindly ask you to evalute your approach to the people of Mexmûr one more time in such a time period, in which the COVID-19 outbreak risk increases continuously."